Weekly Review #2

Now, what happened this week… What did I work on… For my PRTracker, I wrote a little chart view, but nothing spectacular. You can choose between only displaying the one rep prs or all prs calculated to a one rep – but I think those percentage values are kind of off that I got fromContinue reading “Weekly Review #2”

Weekly Review #1 – My first weightlifting competition and programming stuff

Hello friend, what is going on here? Well, lately, I decided to journal again since I feel like it is beneficial to my mental health, and I want to live a more conscious life. Since I always want to write more, why not combine those two? So now I will collect my thoughts over theContinue reading “Weekly Review #1 – My first weightlifting competition and programming stuff”

PRTracker – The iOS app I developed to track my PRs

Do you know the feeling of not knowing if you just hit a new PR? Looking through all your latest training plans to find the last PR? That’s what annoyed me, so I looked for a simple PR tracker on the AppStore. I did not find anything, only stuff that offered subscriptions and included trainingContinue reading “PRTracker – The iOS app I developed to track my PRs”