
Here, you can find news about our professional projects and other things that I (Daniel) like or interest me personally.

Not so Weekly Review # 5 – New Things

Hello everybody! As you can see, I am very consistent with my writing. So, what happened lately? Well, I have been looking for a new job, and I am soon starting in a new company as an Information Security Officer, which I’m looking forward to.  Besides that, I have spent some time improving my web development and design

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Weekly Review #4 – App Store and stuff

Hello there! Huh, it looks like I missed two weeks. Strange, but it happens, I guess. I wasn’t as productive as I would have liked these last weeks, but some things still happened. What did I work on… I enrolled in the Apple Developer Program and wanted to publish my first app on the App Store, my PRTracker.

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Exporting or sharing files and stuff with ShareLink in SwiftUI

Hello everybody, in this post, I wrote about sharing and exporting files using FileExporter or UIActivityViewController because I thought there was no native SwiftUI version of the UIActivityViewController. Turns out, there is. It is called ShareLink, and it is pretty easy to use. It works like its UIKit equivalent without the need for additional steps. So how do

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