
Weekly Review #2

Now, what happened this week… What did I work on… For my PRTracker, I wrote a little chart view, but nothing spectacular. You can choose between only displaying the one rep prs or all prs calculated to a one rep – but I think those percentage values are kind of off that I got from…

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Basic Skills you should know if you work in IT

Hello friend! Let’s talk about some skills every IT worker should have. IT is a huge field with many connected areas. No app can run without hardware. What can you do without the Internet (which is basically just a very large network)? Where does the data for my application come from? It doesn’t matter in…

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Book Review: Deep Work by Cal Newport

Hello friend! Deep Work by Cal Newport is an excellent read for everybody who wants to create meaningful work in his life. Newport offers insights into the workflows of high-achieving knowledge workers and how you can replicate those for yourself. The book is divided into two parts: Firstly, The Idea, which is, you guessed it,…

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Life gets busy

Hello friend! As the title of this post says, life gets busy. That’s why my last post was nearly two years ago. Many things happened during this time that kept me from writing even though I often thought about it. Now, since I’m writing this post, I want to write more again in the future…

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TryHackMe – Blue Write Up

Hello friend, let’s check out the room Blue on TryHackMe. It’s a bit more like a CTF, but still, very beginner focused. Task 1 – Recon Scan the machine. Okay, let’s use nmap for that. I usually use the -T4 flag, so it is faster, and -A for “Aggressive scan options”. This enables OS detection -O,…

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TryHackMe – Metasploit: Meterpreter Write Up

Hello friend, this is the third room on TryHackMe regarding Metasploit. Time to learn more about Meterpreter, Metasploit’s payload, and shell. If you don’t know what to do in Meterpreter, help will show you the available commands. First, there are some explanations of what you can do with Meterpreter and how it works. Task 5 is, where we…

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