Weekly Review #2

Now, what happened this week…

What did I work on…

For my PRTracker, I wrote a little chart view, but nothing spectacular. You can choose between only displaying the one rep prs or all prs calculated to a one rep – but I think those percentage values are kind of off that I got from the internet, because there are always dips in the chart when the values are calculated.

Besides that, I worked on the UI of my meal planning app, studied for my bachelor’s exam next week, and wrote some stuff, which I will post soon.

As an example for the meal-planning app, which can store recipes, of course, this is what a recipe view looks like right now.

recipe view
Recipe View

I also looked a little bit into Vapor, a web framework that uses Swift, since most apps also have some web apps. However, I have to say that web programming is not my strong suit. That is why I also looked at react and next.js, but for now, I mainly focus on Swift.

What did I read…

I finished SwiftUI for Masterminds (affiliate link) this week. It is an amazing book for everyone who wants to develop apps in the Apple ecosystem. It covers so many topics and gives great examples that you can create your own apps in no time.

After that, I started reading Take Your Shot: How to Grow Your Business, Attract More Clients, and Make More Money (affiliate link) by Robin Waite, which is a very interesting business book. It is written like a novel in which a struggling golf coach gets business advice from a business coach. While well written, it also gives a lot of good advice for everybody who is, or wants to be, an entrepreneur.

Fitness and health…

Did any of you ever use Rehband knee sleeves? How long were they good? The neoprene on one of my 7mm ones split from around one year of use.

This week, I trained a little differently than usual. On Monday, I only walked and sprinted a little in the woods. On Tuesday, I did no Olympic lifting, but I was in the gym and did some strength training – consisting of many squats and strict presses. And I must tell you, if you are used to doing only 3-7 reps per set, then ten reps for five sets can hit pretty hard. I was sore for three days, which does not happen a lot. My next workout was on Friday, which I started with some snatches. I got up to 65kg, which I got over my head, but I could not hold it there. After that, I was annoyed and finished with a short workout of 4 rounds of 10 toe-to-ring, five dumbbell snatches per side, and five kipping handstand pushups. I have to say, my conditioning has seen better times, but it was fun and got my mind off the snatches. Besides that, there were only some longer walks outside.

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