Life gets busy

Hello friend!

As the title of this post says, life gets busy. That’s why my last post was nearly two years ago. Many things happened during this time that kept me from writing even though I often thought about it. Now, since I’m writing this post, I want to write more again in the future and provide helpful content in different categories, but more on that later. So, what happened in the last two years?


A big part of my time was and still is consumed by my Bachelor’s Degree in Software Design, which I started in 2021, a few months before I started writing here. At the moment, I’m in my 6th semester, and the finish line is already in sight, but what can I say about the degree? Well, there was good and bad. Exciting topics and not-so-interesting topics. Great teachers and… not so great ones. It is a great education for people with little prior knowledge or working experience since it is very practical-oriented. For me, the most interesting courses were those where we had to work independently and choose our own topics. Those were a project work in the 4th semester and the bachelor’s thesis in the 5th semester.

I chose a cybersecurity topic for my project, “Malware Development and Anti-Virus Evasion.” During this project, I tried to develop a program that connects to an already waiting server to create a Meterpreter Shell without being detected by Microsoft Defender. I tested and combined different AV-evasion techniques, but in the end, I wasn’t able to fool Microsoft Defender. By the way, Microsoft Defender has become very good over the years, so there is no need to use any other antivirus program.

When it was time to decide on a topic for my bachelor’s thesis, I was still a little frustrated because of my project work. That’s why I decided to get more into mobile app development, which has interested me already for years. So, I developed a prototype for an iPhone application that can help athletes analyze their technique in Olympic Weightlifting using Machine Learning. This leads us to another big topic and changes in my life.

Crossfit and Weightlifting

Before I started studying for my degree, I trained in martial arts and self-defense five to six times a week. However, with my university courses, it was hard to fit most of these training sessions into my schedule, so I looked for alternatives. At the end of 2022, I got introduced to CrossFit, where I started mainly doing strength training, but soon, I switched entirely and started going to Gymnastics and Weightlifting classes as well. I train five times a week if I am not injured or sick, and I love Olympic Weightlifting. It is such a complex and exciting sport, and I am having much fun doing it. That’s why I chose the topic for my bachelor’s thesis. Strength training is also great; it is very motivating and rewarding to see the results and progress in a way that can be seen in strength training. I went from having never really deadlifted in all my life to now having a one-repetition maximum of close to 200kg. It feels just great to be able to move such weights around.

Personal Life and Relationships

Well, things happened. Life can get a little messy occasionally, but everything works out in the end. I’m in a happy relationship right now, which obviously needs some time investment.

Future Plans

Now, what does the future hold for me and this blog? Nobody knows. But a few weeks ago, I decided to pursue a Master’s degree once I finish my Bachelor’s degree (if my university takes me). On the other hand, I want to write more, delve deeper into mobile app development, and get back into cybersecurity. It is fitting that the Master’s degree program I applied to combines these two topics. Additionally, I am studying to get a certification as a fitness trainer since that is another topic I am very passionate about. As you can see, life will continue to be quite busy for the near future.

Regarding this blog, I want to provide more helpful and engaging content about IT and other topics that interest me. So be prepared to see more book reviews, posts about fitness and health, and, of course, IT topics.

That’s it for now. If you reached this point, thanks for your time reading this. Until next time,


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